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PAROLES ET MUSIQUE : Younes  Benkirane

"Never Leave At All" est une composition aux sonorités folks et pop. On y retrouve les influences de Cat Stevens, Simon & Garfunkel, The Beatles...
Composée au milieu des années 80, cette chanson, tout en parlant d'amour, parle également de justice envers les damnés de la terre, les plus démunis. Elle invite à la bienveillance, à la solidarité, à l'action pour un monde plus juste.



Avec ses mélodies riches, son texte simple mais profond, cette chanson rappelle que nous sommes capables d'un monde meilleur, aimant et solidaire. Combi-nant les thèmes de l'amour et de la solidarité, elle exprime qu'on ne peut aimer vérita-blement, être heureux dans son environnement, sans être sensible au destin du monde. Elle nous invite à la compassion et au partage, à considérer le monde et l'humanité comme un bien commun à soigner, à être ouvert et sensible au bonheur de son prochain.


Never Leave At All



So much people dying home, but no one to cry for them

And those children growing up with no food and no bread

And the waters falling down, but only for the others

Could you know, could you know

When we’re opening our eyes but only to look at the blue sky

And we’re lending our ears but only to hear the wind

And we're haaaalf-op’ning our minds, but only when we don't mind

Could you know, could you know


          Never leave at all           Never leave at all

          Never leave at all           You know I love you so

          Let’s not look away        Let’s not look away

          Never leave at all           You know I love you so


I can hear you crying Dear : carry-ing that sorrow alone

Those who could bring help no longer have an ounce of love

I can hear you crying Baby, don't carry it on your shoulders alone

you've got to keep hope in spite of, cold hearts and bitter days

You know, the wheel turns and will have to arrive on happy days
So in your eyes let the love glow, from your heart let it flow


Let it show that you're in love                    Let it show that you feel blue
May the whole world love you more         May the whole stars shine for you

Let your heart issue from the night          Let some teardrops comfort you

Just as long as life goes on                       You know I will love you


Let me take your hand in mine, and let’s go together see

Let your eyes blend in with mine, and maybe could we be

Let us hear that distress cry, it is with them we should be

Could you know, could you know



          Never leave at all           Never leave at all

          Never leave at all           You know I love you so

          Let’s not look away        Please, let’s not look away

          Never leave at all,          You know I love you so